
Showing posts from October 23, 2022


1.1 Introduction  This report aims to check the design adequacy of the modified rectangular header and branch duct branch.    This analysis is carried out with Finite Element analysis using Solidworks simulation static structure composite analysis.    The design of the ducts is based on the requirements of SMACNA.  Construction of the FRP ducts is by filament winding for the circular ducts and by hand lamination for the rectangular ducts. The material's properties have been taken from Win Fung Test figures for this construction.  For conservatism, a small reduction in properties have been assumed.  The corrosion barrier has been included in the structural calculations as per SMACNA as the environmental conditions are not severe. The corrosion barrier V,2M, is approx. 2.5mm thick.  1.2 Code & Reference Documents  a. Thermoset FRP Duct Construction Manual SMACNA  b. ASME RTP-1  c. PUB/WRP/CWRP-2/MXXX  d. P2E-CWRP-HSL-20-...



Geotechnical Offshore Rig


Diameter = 9.7m & Height = 19 m Tank Vertical Transportation & Lifting FEA Simulation check


Silo Design Drawing


8.5m Dia Tank Lifting Calculation

The purpose of this analysis is to verify the integrity of the whole tank during lifting and transportation to the site for installation. The loading is considered for this tank as per API 650 ED 13. March 2020. The software used for this FEA analysis is Solidworks Simulation Premium. The rules and regulations of the following authority have been used in this mechanical design adequacy.

Silo Design Calculation Using FEA (Solidworks Simulation)

The software used for this FEA analysis is Solidworks Simulation Premium. The rules and regulations of the following authority have been used in this mechanical design adequacy. NA to SS EN1991-4: 2010(2015) Part 4: Silo and Tanks, BS EN 1991-4 Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures - Part 4: Silos and tanks BS EN 1993-4-1 - Design of Steel Structures —Part 4-1: Silos BS EN 1993-1-6:2007 — Design of steel structures-Part 1-6: Strength and Stability of Shell Structures